Monday, August 7, 2017

August 7, 2017

Hola Familia! 

This has been another eventful and fun week! I've decided I will never understand how fast time flies by! I hope everyone's week was amazing, and if it wasn't, look for the tender mercies the Lord sent your way to help you know that He is aware of you and what you are going through, and His love and strength He offers freely to all of us!

So, District Training on tuesday ended with a roar! Haha, we had finished and Sister Colton and I had a picture we wanted to chow our Zone Leader, Elder Rackam. It was a picture of a liquor store with the title "Rack 'Em" and it was so funny! He goes home in just over a week (He dies in a week, though we are discouraged from using that kind of mission slang anymore), and was sad that he couldn't out that picture on one of his planners. So, here comes the best part. Elder Condor, our District leader, goes, "Well, most people only get famous after the die!" Hahahaha, everyone died, and it was so funny, and straight to the heart, too, because of course it is not fun having to leave your mission. Ah, man, Sister Colton and I had tears in our eyes, we laughed so hard, haha. 

Cool Knocking Miracle:
So we were knocking, and this one little apartment/house had a door farther down the sidewalk on the side of the building, so we go and knock it, and hear someone softly say "come in" and we looked at each other and were like "what?" No one just tells you to come in if you are knocking on there front door, haha. So we knock again and the same thing happens, but its kind of weird, so we though about going, but then we heard "It's Open," and I look at Sister Colton and shrug, kinda like "why not" and go right in! Haha. We find this cute old latin lady with one tooth in a wheelchair who hasn't been able to walk in years, all by her lonesome. We talk with her for a bit and I say the prayer (Spanish, she didn't actually know any english!) and I just felt so much love for this sweet lady. She knows who her Savior is and that He is always with her. She has to nurses check on her and feed her etc each day, but that's about it for company. I am so grateful we stayed and headed the prompting to open that door and to help her feel God's love, and that she was valued and appreciated to at least two more people in the world. It is such a simple thing, just going by to see someone, even for just a few minutes. You never know how that extra helping hand will change someone's heart. Pass the kindness on, and it will come back to you!

So, remember our Investigator Ayman? Well, our ward clerk had ordered a Book of Mormon for him in Arabic, and though we had lost contact with him, just this morning(his off day is Monday) we went over and dropped it off for him, and his wife's sister answered the door. She was nice, and we gave her the Arabic Book of Mormon, one in English, and a Bible that Ayman's wife Jessica had wanted. The sister knew who Mormons were and was really nice, so who knows? Maybe we will get a text or a call so to come back and teach all three of them! We got some pictures with the book before we gave it away, its really cool! 

Transfers are next week, I cannot believe this transfer is already almost over! That's how it goes with 5 week transfers, I guess, especially after following a 7 week transfer, haha.  I will probably stay, not sure though. Whatever happens, I know it will be God's will, and I know there are things I still need to learn here in Cape Coral. It hasn't been the easiest finding wise (Latins are usually more open to the Gospel and other people..) but i have already learned and grown so much! There is nothing quite like teaching a lesson in your own language! Ha, I love it, and am grateful for the people that I meet everyday who I can practice my Spanish on! We have run into quite a few, and it is cool to see how I am probably also in this area to contact all these latins who, if both the sisters working in this area were only english, wouldn't be given the chance to fully accept the Gospel because they wouldn't understand! It's a blessing, and I love it, ha. 

Have an amazing week everyone, and know that I love you soo much! Prayers are headed your way, too, so keep on going! I love you!

Hermana Stokes

A dead frog Sister Colton is mailing home...
Scripture study in the Car!
Our water bottle collection... 
9 Months!
Our tree tasting avocado.. yum..not!

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